Lifestyle, Sport, Tracking, App, Website

Active City

In an effort to motivate the people of Hamburg to stay active, the city asked my team and I to come up with an iOS and Android fitness tracking app concept that would pit suburb against suburb in a friendly gamified activity contest that would also double as a city wide platform for the promotion of sporting events and local clubs.

I took the rather prosaic city brand and pushed it in a sporty modern direction by adopting the vernacular of the sports, apparel and gaming industries. The result, a modern, clean and fun way to track your activity while learning about local sporting events at the same time.


Vibrant Activity

Stability across devices, integration and skinning of third party services like map box, as well as biweekly update and new feature cycles (across two platforms) are all big challenges, but when you couple that with the newly implemented European data protection laws a job like this can almost send you packing... fortunately I stuck with it and feel that the end result speaks for itself; sleek design, visual consistency, smooth micro interactions and a vibrant and original use of sporty imagery culminating in one unified message of movement and energy.
